So you decided to plug your Android phone into your computer and load up some music or ringtones, but you are unsure where to start. You may have not created any folders on the card yourself but you are probably overwhelmed with all the folders that are there. Android does (or arguably doesn’t do) a good job at keeping all of it’s files organized. But how are they organized and what do all of those folders do?
Well, according to The Law of Android* the folders that are important to the Android OS are as follows:
Music/ – Media scanner classifies all media found here as user music.
Podcasts/ – Media scanner classifies all media found here as a podcast.
Ringtones/ – Media scanner classifies all media found here as a ringtone.
Alarms/ – Media scanner classifies all media found here as an alarm sound.
Notifications/ – Media scanner classifies all media found here as a notification sound.
Pictures/ – All photos (excluding those taken with the camera).
Movies/ – All movies (excluding those taken with the camcorder).
Download/ – Miscellaneous downloads.
Therefore, these are the main folders that he Android OS will look for media. You can also (which I recommend) put these folders (aside from the Download folder) into a folder called Media. This just keeps the root of your SD card less cluttered.
(Another way to see these files is to download a file manager. For starters I would recommend ES File Explorer, for a free one….)
Hopefully this helps!
*Something I just made up – kind of reminds me of Isaac Asimov – Laws of Robotics.