(Me in my younger days.) |
So you bought yourself a nice little android phone and are wondering what more you can do with it? I mean you are probably already bored with the hundreds of thousands of apps that are available to it, let alone the amazing built-in capabilities it already has, like the calendar and email and browser. So what more can you do with it?
Before I get ahead of myself and jump into the “Why?” portion of the article, I want to tell you a little about what rooting your phone actually is. The wonderful humans that put together Wikipedia define Rooting as:
Rooting is a process that allows users of cellphones and other devices running the Android operating system to attain privileged control (known as “root access”) within Android’s Linux subsystem, similar to jailbreaking on Apple devices running the iOS operating system, overcoming limitations that the carriers and manufacturers put on such phones.
Therefore Rooting would be the equivalent of that little popup you get in Windows 7 (Or Ubuntu/Linux) when you want to make a change to something. The difference is that in the world of cell phones you can’t just accept a change and be done with it, because it is blocked by the manufacture. I don’t think that it is blocked to take away you humanly freedoms, or to take away the fun of it. It’s there because people are dumb by nature and if phones came out without any sort of security on them they would all get messed up by the end user…
So now onto the “Why?”. Although it seems like I have a million reasons, I have it narrowed down to the 5 greatest things you can do with a rooted phone. I will look at each of these in more details over the next few days.
1. The ability to use your phone’s internet on your laptop. (for FREE)
2. Enhanced Apps to SD.
3. Over/UnderClocking
4. Custom Roms.
5. Get apps not “approved” for your phone.
Sounds pretty cool, huh? You are probably asking yourself, “How can I do this to my new shiny Android phone. Well before you just jump right in, keep in mind. Doing this may void your warranty, and/or disable your device – and by disable I mean brick your device. And yes, the name means just what you would think. Turn your phone into a brick. Also keep in mind that I have seen a lot of you humans attempt to root your phones successfully. As long as you follow the specified directions for your make and model you will probably be fine, but either way I am not liable for any damage – besides… I am a robot anyway. Who takes advice from a robot…
So the moral of this article is that you will need to do a little research on directions for you specific make and model. A great place to search is the XDA site. There is a section for a majority of all phones released in the US, and around the world. So do up the research and post any questions you might have.