Android Wallpaper: Avengers Assemble!

ultron wallpaper

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As I’m sure you’re aware by the massive marketing campaign, Avengers: Age of Ultron is being released to theaters here in the U.S. next week (May 1st). This movie will (hopefully) launch Marvel into a bunch of many other new movies. I was a big fan of the first Avengers movie, and now it’s time to get ready for the next one with some awesome wallpaper.

Below you will find 6 HD heroic wallpapers. To get one of these wallpapers on your phone, tablet, or even PC, simply tap or click on the image to see it at full resolution. Let us know which one is your favorite, and be sure to share a screenshot if you use one of these wallpapers!

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avengers comic 2

avengers comic

Age of Ultron poster


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