HTC Does The Impossible – Creates New Ad More Cringeworthy Than The Hipster Troll Carwash

Screenshot 2015-04-25 at 10.38.18 AMDo you remember that kid in high school that really wanted to be popular? He wasn’t as athletically gifted or as attractive as his friends, and, even with his expensive clothes and his designer (Gorilla) glasses, he just didn’t get the attention and respect he felt he deserved. So, what does this guy do to get noticed? He becomes the class clown, the funny guy – Mr. Giggles. Now, a good sense of humor is a perfectly legitimate way to gain social standing and win friends so what’s the problem with that?

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HTC Does The Impossible – Creates New Ad More Cringeworthy Than The Hipster Troll Carwash was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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