Android Wear 5.1.1 Begins Its Rollout To Watches Starting With The Asus ZenWatch


Up until today, the only Wear watch with Android 5.1 was LG’s newly released Watch Urbane. But if you have an older device, your impatient wait and envy over those lucky Urbane owners might be almost over. According to user Verdes8891 on Reddit, his Asus ZenWatch has just received the new software OTA, bumping it up to Android 5.1.1.


While this update from 5.0.2 might sound small on paper, it is arguably one of the most significant ones in Wear’s history.

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Android Wear 5.1.1 Begins Its Rollout To Watches Starting With The Asus ZenWatch was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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