Don’t Change Your Google Password Before Factory Resetting Your Android Phone – You Might Trip A 72-Hour Security Lockout


This isn’t a news story, but more of a “public service announcement” about an Android feature not everyone may be aware of. If you’ve ended up here because your Android phone is telling you that, after a factory reset, you cannot log into your device for 72 hours (3 days), I don’t have much good news: you’re going to have to wait it out.

If you want to know why exactly this happens, regardless of whether or not it has affected you, this post will at least show you how to avoid falling victim to this security measure again if you find it to be too much trouble, as well as why this feature exists to begin with.

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Don’t Change Your Google Password Before Factory Resetting Your Android Phone – You Might Trip A 72-Hour Security Lockout was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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