Alphabear wants you to master game boards, collect more bears

You can’t stop the kids from using your smartphone or tablet. Admit it or not, you sometimes use your mobile device as a babysitter. It’s not really bad to let them use your gadgets once in a while. The burden is on the parents to discipline, teach their kids, and provide time limit for tablet or phone use. If only all games and apps on the Play Store is like this Alphabear, then we won’t have any problem but it’s not really the case.

This new word puzzle game is an original by Spry Fox. Alphabear can teach the kids how to spells words simply by selecting letters found on a grid. Bears appear when you use letters that are near to each other. The challenge is to use more letters to get more points and so the bear gets bigger. If you’re into collecting bears, you can do so here virtually as you can win different bears every time you hit a high score. Bears are not useless because you can use them as powerups to extend timer, increase points, and increase or decrease the frequency of the appearance of letters.

Game is still in beta mode but it’s already attracting a lot of attention. Well, at least from the parents and kids who are always on the lookout for new educational games. The background music is already catchy that kids will find it cute and fun to play with. The bears looks like square icons, kind of reminds me of Minecraft, Crossy Road, and those pixel-art graphics we’ve been seeing a lot lately.

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Download Alphabear from the Google Play Store

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