Google Posts Nexus 9 Factory Images For The 5.0.2 Update You Probably Don’t Care About Because Where The Heck Is 5.1.1?

nexus2cee_Google-Patches-Bug-Preventing-Android-5-0-Lollipop-Update-Nexus-6-Release-464365-2.jpgGoogle has updated the the Nexus developer page with links to factory images for the latest Nexus 9 Lollipop build. Don’t get too excited, though. This is the 5.0.2 build that started going out as an OTA earlier today. Google, you monster.


You should know the drill by now—if your bootloader is unlocked, you can flash the factory image to restore your device to stock. It’s also handy for updating a stock device if you’ve rooted it, since OTAs no longer work in that scenario.

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Google Posts Nexus 9 Factory Images For The 5.0.2 Update You Probably Don’t Care About Because Where The Heck Is 5.1.1? was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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