Nexpaq Modular Phone Case More Than Triples Kickstarter Goal, Seems Marginally More Plausible Than A Modular Phone

df378349c248637b4bf11576ef86eb8d_originalThere have been a few Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns lately that are pushing the idea of a modular phone similar to Google’s Project Ara. These are devices designed by small teams of people without the engineering resources of Google, and if you’ll forgive my pessimism, they sound like nonsense. Nexpaq is a somewhat more modest take on the modular phone. The modules plug into the Nexpaq case and you simply drop in your existing phone.

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Nexpaq Modular Phone Case More Than Triples Kickstarter Goal, Seems Marginally More Plausible Than A Modular Phone was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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