Nexus 5 OTA Link for Android M Preview 2 Now Available

UPDATED:  Nexus 5 link added.

Now that the Android M Preview 2 is out, and Google has confirmed that they are sending these out over-the-air (OTA) for those already on Preview 1 who don’t want to flash factory images, we thought we may as well capture the .zip files for those interested. 

We will update the list as we have more.

Download Android M Preview 2 updates:

  • Nexus 5 – [MPZ79M from MPZ44Q, 182MB] – Download Link (Cheers Samuel, Scott and Andreas!)
  • Nexus 6 – [MPZ79M from MPZ44Q, 330MB] – Download Link
  • Nexus 9
  • Nexus Player

For instructions to sideload using adb, check here. For instructions on how to grab an OTA file, check here.

Cheers burkett375!

Nexus 5 OTA Link for Android M Preview 2 Now Available is a post from: Droid Life

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