Nexus 6 Android 5.1.1 Update With T-Mobile Wi-Fi Calling Should Hopefully Roll Out This Weekend

Nexus6-ThumbAndroid 5.1.1 is working its way through Google’s lengthy list of Nexus devices. After coming to Wi-Fi tablets first, this week we saw it start to hit cellular devices like the Nexus 5, N4, and N9 LTE. As you may have noticed, Google’s latest smartphone didn’t make the list. With any luck, the Nexus 6 will get an over-the-air update sometime this weekend.

T-Mobile Product Evangelist Des recently sent out this tweet.

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Nexus 6 Android 5.1.1 Update With T-Mobile Wi-Fi Calling Should Hopefully Roll Out This Weekend was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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