Razer’s Forge TV Bundle Is Up For Pre-Order On Amazon, Release Date Set For May 1st

51zQ IYaEAL._SL1024_ Let’s be honest here: the hasn’t been much movement for Android TV since the Nexus Player was released way back in November. Though Sony has committed to using ATV in its upcoming smart TVs, the actual availability of Google’s latest set-top box is depressingly low. But two gaming-centric Android TV units are on the horizon, and one of them is from veteran PC accessory vendor Razer. The Forge TV now has an unconfirmed release date (May 1st) and at least one pre-order retailer (Amazon).

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Razer’s Forge TV Bundle Is Up For Pre-Order On Amazon, Release Date Set For May 1st was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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