Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 On Sprint Gets Android Lollipop Update, No Longer Feels Left Out

GalaxyTabS-ThumbThe Wi-Fi Galaxy Tab S 10.5 got Lollipop back in March, but it wasn’t until a week ago that the carrier variants started receiving OTA updates. AT&T was the first to roll one out, followed by T-Mobile several days later. Verizon announced its update yesterday, and now it’s Sprint’s turn. Samsung has posted the changelog.

Screenshot 2015-05-21 at 4.37.00 PM

The update bumps the tablet up to software version T807PVPU1BOE3. As for what changes are in store, well, you’re the last in line.

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Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 On Sprint Gets Android Lollipop Update, No Longer Feels Left Out was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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