So today’s Free apps are going to get posted together, mainly because the (Amazon) one isn’t worth a post of it’s own. From Amazon we have Memory Booster Ad-Free, and from we have TuneIn Radio Pro.
First up (Remember to read THIS article about task killers):
Name: Memory Booster Ad-Free
Memory Booster is a powerful mobile memory and RAM boosting tool specially designed for Android smartphone users. The app increases your phone’s performance by making more memory available for both your applications and your phone’s mobile operating system.
How it Works
Memory Booster helps your phone run at optimum efficiency by defragmenting your phone’s memory, recovering memory leaks from less efficient applications, and flushing unused libraries, among other nifty memory saving tricks. Your favorite games and applications will run faster and more efficiently with Memory Booster running in the background.
Memory Booster provides a live chart to demonstrate your device’s total and free memory, and current memory usage. With Auto Boost Threshold set, Memory Booster keeps your memory higher than the desired level, and acts immediately if memory drops down. Besides automatic memory boosting, Memory Booster also allows you to manually boost your memory by Quick Boost. Other features include embedded Task Killer, Whitelist Manager, Boost Level Manager and Memory Boost Log, which assist Memory Booster to perform more efficiently and friendly.
Next we have an incredible radio app. Possibly the best out there for internet radio.
Name: TuneIn Radio Pro
Radio live, local, and beyond.
Enjoy the largest selection of radio in the world, now with more than 50000 stations streaming live. You’ll find hundreds of music formats, talk personalities, national networks like BBC, NPR and SWR, podcasts, live sports, news, weather, even scanners.