Featured on SlideMe.org

A couple of points of interest…

1. Our good friend CharlieD had his “Maggie’s Cakery” app featured on the Slideme.org homepage, along with their Facebook and Twitter, for the last couple of days, so check it out.

2. The Old Android app is also featured, if you switch the tab from new to updated. Make sure you update your app to keep in touch with the new site URL: oldandroid.com

Old Android App Updates

Just finished some updates and improvements to the Old Android App, and it should be live on the SlideMe app and site soon.

You may also see the Monticello app there too, which is part of a newer project that I am working on to put together community information apps for local towns and cities. If your town or city could use something like that leave a comment or contact me directly at oldandroidsite@gmail.com.

I also wanted to say thanks for all of the downloads too.  At the time of writing this there are 681 downloads. I find this number to be amazing after the site only being up for such a short amount of time.

Updates on Old Android App (Plus Download Link)

The release version of the Old Android App for your Android Phones is available for download through the SlideMe.com Appstore. I am happy to say that there have been a good amount of downloads already.  So go ahead and download it, and if you like the site and app give us a 5 star rating!

Name: Old Android Free Android App

Tips, tricks and download reviews for you Android powered phone, brought to you by an old bot who has seen a lot of phones and used a lot of apps. You will also find the Amazon Appstore app of the day here daily along with other useful app reviews. www.oldandroid.co.cc

Download Link: http://goo.gl/jb0Jp (SlideMe.com)

Some “Best of the Best” accessories for your Android phone: