In celebration of the Old Android app being on the SlideME App Store I decided to share with you a great find there.
A group of emulation apps were released a few years ago, and Google played nice for a while, but as the emulated systems got newer and newer, and developers got systems like the N64 and playstation 1 working on Android Google started to block out these developers. They stated that it was a copyright issue and removed the apps (and the developers) from android market.
This caused a certain developer to look elsewhere for a place to distribute his apps. This certain developer is named Yong Zhan and goes by the handle yonghz. He has done an emulator for every major older system and has even worked his way up to some more advanced systems like the N64. Here is a list of all the games, and my thoughts, just in case you don’t feel like doing the research yourself.
1. Nesoid – Nesoid is the famous NES/FC emulator for Android.
* In-game save support
* Net-play through Bluetooth (requires Android 2.x) or Wi-Fi!
– Run nearly all games at full speed
– Customizable on-screen keypad
– Save states
– Cheats
– Light gun
– Fast-forward (turbo)
– Screen upside-down
– Multiple key profiles
Download Here!
2. SNesoid – SNesoid is the famous Super Nintendo emulator for Android.
* Fixed text mess-up in ‘Secret of Mana’ and ‘Romancing SeGa’ (and possibly others!)
* Net-play through Bluetooth (requires Android 2.x) or Wi-Fi!
– Very fast
– Run nearly all games (Mario RPG, StarFox)
– Customizable on-screen keypad
– Save states
– Cheats
– Super scope
– Fast-forward
– Screen upside-down
– Multiple key profiles
Download Here!
3. Gensoid – Gensoid is the famous SEGA Genesis/MegaDrive emulator for Android.
* Fixed crash on certain devices (Sorry!)
* Net-play through Bluetooth (requires Android 2.x) or Wi-Fi!
– Run nearly all games at top speed
– Customizable on-screen keypad
– Save states
– Fast-forward
– Screen upside-down
– Multiple key profiles
Download Here!
4. GameBoid – GameBoid is the very famous GameBoy Advance emulator optimized for Android.
– BEST compatibility compared to any other GBA emulators running on mobile devices.
– Run most games at full speed with sound
– Customizable on-screen translucent keypad
– Save/Load game states at ANY point!
– In-game battery save
– Cheats
– Fast-forward (turbo)
– Switching between multiple key profiles
Download Here!
5. GBCoid – GBCoid is the famous GameBoy (Color) emulator for Android.
* Real-time clock
– Run at full speed with sound
– Customizable on-screen keypad
– Cheats
– Save states
– Fast-forward (turbo)
– Screen upside-down
– Multiple key profiles
Download Here!
6. Gearoid – Gearoid is the famous SEGA Master System/Game Gear emulator for Android.
– Run nearly all games at top speed
– Customizable on-screen keypad
– Save states
– Fast-forward (turbo)
– Screen upside-down
– Multiple key profiles
Download Here!
7. Ataroid – Ataroid is an Atari-2600 emulator for Android. It emulates every aspect of the original Atari-2600 console.
* Fix frame skipping. Should be a bit smoother now.
– Runs at full speed with sound
– Customizable on-screen keypad!
– Load/save states
– Console switches
– Screen upside-down
Download Here!
8. N64oid ($4.99) – N64oid is the very famous N64 emulator optimized for Android. It is a port of Mupen64plus, along with Ari64’s ARM dynarec (and gles2N64 as an option).
* Run most games smoothly at a reasonable speed with sound. This requires you have a high-end device (Nexus-S, Galaxy-S, Xoom, etc).
* Good game compatibility compared to other N64 emulators running on mobile devices.
* Save/load game states at ANY points, as well as in-game save support. Save files are fully compatible with Mupen64plus on PC.
* A configurable, translucent on-screen keypad that is very easy to use.
* Key mappings to map game keys to hardware buttons.
* Generic joystick/gamepad support on Android 3.1 and above.
* Option to use the G-sensor as the analog stick.
* More…
– Android 2.0 or above
– ARMv7 compatible CPU
– OpenGL-ES 2.0
Download Here!