Back at Mobile World Congress in February, LG announced a bevy of mid range devices. Among the devices announced were the LG G Stylo, a 5.7-inch phablet with a stylus, and the humble 4.5-inch LG Leon. After the announcement of the LG G4 today, T-Mobile added product pages for both of these handsets and it would appear they are preparing to refresh their entire LG product lineup.
Here is a quick overview of each device
LG G Stylo
- Display: 5.7-inch 720p IPS
- Chipset: 1.2GHz Quad-Core
- Camera: Rear 13MP/ Front 5MP
- Memory: 16GB / 2GB
- Battery: 3,000mAh (removable)
- OS: Android 5.0 Lollipop
- Size 6.07 x 3.12 x 0.38 inches
LG Leon
- Display: 4.5-inch FWVGA (220 ppi)
- Chipset: 1.2GHz Quad-Core
- Camera: Rear 5MP / Front VGA
- Memory: 8GB / 1GB
- Battery: 1,900mAh (removable)
- OS: Android 5.0 Lollipop
- 5.11 x 2.55 x 0.42 inches
Both handsets feature LG’s now characteristic design language with gently curving bodies and power and volume buttons moved to the back.
Two Midrange LG Phones – The Leon And G Stylo – Are Headed To T-Mobile Alongside The G4 was written by the awesome team at Android Police.
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