Verizon LG G3 gets Android 5.0 Lollipop update

verizon lg g3 lollipop

Many LG G3 owners have already had their rightful taste of Lollipop, but Verizon’s crop of customers were left out of the fun until today. The company has announced the push of the Android 5.0 Lollipop upgrade to LG’s 2014 flagship smartphone.

The software rolling out will be version VS98523B, and should bring a number of considerable improvements, changes and fixes. A new, flat UI is present throughout LG’s system apps, and there’s also support for improved notifications and lock screen notifications, app pinning, searchable settings and improvements to LG Health.

We’re not exactly sure when Verizon expects to push the goods out over-the-air, but history tells us it won’t be more than a few days’ time after the appearance of the official changelog before folks start to see notifications of its arrival. Be sure to check out the full document at the jump and get ready for some Lollipop goodness.

[via Verizon]

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