Root Only App Store for Android?

An idea was thrown out the the world on Google+ (Koushik Dutta) for a root only android app store. A place for apps related to rooting your phone, or other mods, along with all the stuff that Google and Amazon have banned from their app stores. 


 I think it is a great idea.  I would love to see this happen and would love to contribute however I can.  Check out the post (at the below links) and give your own feedback.

Sources, Google+

Music added to Android Market (for some)

An overnight update has added the Music category to Android market for some users. The version number still remains the same at 3.3.11, though the new option is there.

To use the music feature you also have to download the new Google Music app from Android Market.  This should give Android devices a little bit of an edge over the iPhone with all it’s new features that iTunes lack.

Stay tuned for a more in depth look.