Working in a Group – With Slack

I have been struggling with finding a system to keep a group of people all working on the same page. It’s always the same sort of thing when it comes to groups, and having a tracking system -> no one wants to work with a new system because it is too complicated, or it is not very accessible.

Then I came across Slack.

I discovered it as a new way to work with IFTTT (If This Than That). I signed up for the FREE plan to see what I thought of it.  It sort of reminds me of a private Twitter, with a bunch of other storage options.  I like the fact that documents can be shared, and notes are done via a feed. PLUS it is available as an Android/iPhone/Desktop/Web app so it is easily accessible everywhere.

I thought it would be a great tool for the creative types out there that are involved in orchestrating a comic book, or running a podcast. Keep it everyone all on the same page, FOR FREE!

Try it here!

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