The Humble Mobile Bundle 11 Arrives With Bounden, 80 Days, Kingdom Rush Origins, And More

hb The latest installment of the Humble Mobile Bundle is now available for purchase, and that means you should get your wallet ready. So far there are six awesome games, with more on the way. It can all be yours for a few bucks.

2015-04-06 13_30_42-Humble Mobile Bundle 11 (pay what you want and help charity)

The bundle so far offers Bounden, Auro, and Avernium: Escape from the Pit in the basic tier. You can get these paying any amount. Pay above the average and you’ll get 80 Days, Kingdom Rush Origins, and Riddick: The Merc Files.

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The Humble Mobile Bundle 11 Arrives With Bounden, 80 Days, Kingdom Rush Origins, And More was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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