Deluxe Ultra Voice Changer – Free Amazon Appstore App for 7/20/11

Haven’t you ever wanted to be able to change your voice to make it sound like a robot, alien, chipmunk, robot, or simply add echo, or make it sound all metallic. Plus did I mention you can make it sound like a robot? As a robot I have all these sounds built it, but for you humans all you have to do is download today’s Amazon free app of the day. If you grab this download today you get it for free, saving yourself a whole american dollar.

Name: Deluxe Ultra Voice Changer
Tired of the sound of your own voice? Find a new one with Deluxe Ultra Voice Changer, a fun vocal-effects app for your Android device. Enjoy 23 different voice effects in this deluxe version.

Hear yourself talk like an alien, robot, or chipmunk; play your voice backwards, sped up, slowed down, with an echo, or by using other effects. Crack yourself up or weird out your friends and family–it’s easy and fun.

23 Voices, Endless Fun

Creating crazy new voices is simple with Deluxe Ultra Voice Changer. The recording process is user friendly, and a detailed Help page answers any questions you may have as you explore all the app’s options. (For example, if you hear excessive static during playback, a helpful tip suggests that you lower your recording volume and try again.)

Keep in mind that a one-minute audio file created by this app will be about 1.3 megabytes in size. Unless you’re on an unlimited data plan with your carrier, you may want to minimize sending audio recordings via e-mail when using this app.

Download Link:

Some “Best of the Best” accessories for your Android phone:

FolderOrganizer – Amazon Appstore Free App for 7/19/11

Everyone likes an organized phone. Even someone as scatterbrained as me. With FolderOrganizer you can organize all the stuff that matters so you can make yourself more efficient. Efficiency at it’s best – best price that is. Get it today only for the low low price of FREE!

Name: FolderOrganizer
Want more control over the file structure of your smartphone, or would you love to be able to organize your apps, bookmarks, contacts and shortcuts the way you want?

Group items according to labels and create fully customizable folders and widgets with FolderOrganizer. You can organize apps, bookmarks, contacts and shortcuts, change folder icons, sort folder items any way you like, and make app shortcuts with custom icons and names.

FolderOrganizer Features
With hierarchical labels, easily categorize all items. You can create and edit folders, manually sort items in a label, create scrollable widgets with five items in a row, change label icons, and rename apps and change app icons.

Make sense of all the stuff on your smartphone. Get FolderOrganizer.

Download Link:

Some “Best of the Best” accessories for your Android phone:

JogTracker Pro – Free Amazon Appstore App of the Day

I am actually excite to try this app out.  I want to do a comparison verses the Nike+ watch and chip in the shoe thing.  I know that the Nike+ thing isn’t very accurate compared to the treadmill, or actually on a path that has the distance marked.

I will do the comparison test and keep you all posted.

Name: JogTracker Pro
Keep track of your distance in miles or kilometers. Use GPS and Google Maps to help you find your way. View your jog history on the Web. Share your progress on Facebook and Twitter. Listen for voice prompts at intervals.
Download Link:

Some “Best of the Best” accessories for your Android phone:

Archipelago – Amazon Free App of the Day 7/17/2011

Name: Archipelago

Looking for a highly-addictive real-time strategy game that is easy to learn and hours of fun? Look no further than Archipelago! The goal of the game is quite simple: just capture all of the enemy islands on the map.

Archipelago’s gameplay is astonishingly straightforward: Tap an island controlled by your forces to select it, and then tap an enemy A.I. island to send your troops there. Half of an island’s available troops participate in the attack; the other half say behind to defend the island. To take over an enemy island you must overwhelm the island with more troops than they have currently defending. It may take several attack waves to capture the island!

The best strategy may include capturing a neutral (grey) island. Large islands can station more troops, and your forces will grow faster. You can send an attack wave from multiple islands. Drag your finger across the screen to select the islands you wish to have participate in the attack.

Game Modes
Archipelago can be played with more than on A.I. player and includes Campaign and Single Game modes. In Campaign Mode, you will always control the blue player, and you have no allies. In Single Game mode, you can configure teams as you desire using seven colors and up to four teams. A useful tutorial is also available to walk you through the game functions.

Download Link:

Some “Best of the Best” accessories for your Android phone:

Sinister Planet – Free Amazon Appstore App of the Day 7/16/11

Name: Sinister Planet
You have worlds to conquer
Blast your way through wave after wave of relentless alien hordes and destroy increasingly challenging planets in this action-filled app for Android. Beautifully rendered meteors and retro-style graphics transport you back to the heyday of arcade classics in Sinister Planet.

Mission Objective
Your objective is to attack and destroy a series of alien worlds, progressing toward the ultimate challenge: Planet Sinister. To destroy each world you have to attack the surface and take out the power grid protecting the planet’s core. To aid you in your quest, you have the opportunity to upgrade your ship’s weapon systems by collecting power-ups (in Arcade mode) or amassing gold (in Battle mode).

As you progress through the waves, you will find yourself needing those upgrades as more deadly enemies are introduced. Upgrades available include extra laser pods to double or triple your firepower, ECM attacks (aka Smart Bombs), turrets for 360-degree shooting, and more.

Make little ones out of big ones
Collect the Gems
To make it through each wave, collect the gems produced as you blast the asteroids out of the sky. Don’t worry, the asteroids won’t hurt you, but you will face a different challenge–your enemy just loves to grab those gems too. Make sure you reach them first, and shoot them quickly, or they will be transformed into much more dangerous foes.

As a welcome respite from the hard-core destruction, you get the chance to gain bonus points by completing the challenge waves. Aliens will fly in formation around your ship while you attempt to execute a complete wipe-out. It’s not easy, but getting the right upgrades will greatly aid your mission. During the challenges your ship gains temporary indestructibility.

Download Link:

  Some “Best of the Best” accessories for your Android phone:       

Top 10 Home Replacements (Top 5) – Easy Android Facelift

As promised, here are the Top 5 of the Top 10 Android Home Replacements/Launchers that we will be reviewing. As with any sort of  "Top" list, don’t take it as the definitive list because new apps come out all the time, and I am probably missing some great launchers – I am an old robot after all…  So here is my list of the top 5:

Name: 5. Zeam
Description: Zeam is a minimalistic launcher alternative for phones running Android 2.2 and above. It has a lot of the cool functions available to the larger launchers, but it will run great on just about any hardware.
Download Link:
Name: 4. ADW Launcher
Description: ADW.Launcher, beyond tweaking your android desktop
Opensource home replacement app
-Customizable application drawer (old one or iphone/galaxy one)
-Customizable drag&drop action buttons
-Unveil the Dockbar flicking-up the app-drawer button and drop UNLIMITED shortcuts/folders!
Download Link:

Name: 3. Launcher Pro
Description: – Super-smooth scrolling
– Animated screen previews (like Exposé or HTC Sense)
– Up to 7 home screens
– App drawer (2D and 3D!) with a fly-in effect and smooth scrolling
– Scrollable shortcut dock
Download Link:

Name: 2. Home++
Description: New home, new lifestyle
Branching from the stock home app, Home++ offers more
* 3rd party animated widgets & scrollable widgets support
* Drag&drop uninstall
* Bookmarks
* Workspace looping
* 3~7 screens and a screen switcher
* lazy load app drawer by default
Download Link:

Name: 1. Go Launcher EX
Description: vLauncher has a clean look to it that reminds a lot of people of the iPhone interface. One of the main pros to this launcher is that all of your icons are on your home screen, you don’t have to open a tray to see them, plus without all the widgets and extras it runs very fast, even on an older device, like me…
Download Link:

So if you like these and want to try them, follow the links and download them to you phone.  After they are installed the next time you press the home key it will ask you if you want to load the current launcher or the new one.   You can also set one as a default by checking the check box.

Some “Best of the Best” accessories for your Android phone:

Dashboard Assist PRO: In-Car Dashboard, Hands-Free Answering, and Journey Logger – Free Amazon Appstore App of the Day

Name: Dashboard Assist PRO: In-Car Dashboard, Hands-Free Answering, and Journey Logger
Share the details of your trip with the pre-prepared memo template
This app isn’t just a dashboard assist, it’s a comprehensive co-pilot, chock-full of savvy features and logging capabilities. Use it to record (and improve) your carbon footprint, to refine your driving technique, or just as a journal, to log the minutiae of long trips. This app tracks your speed, time, mileage, and direction. It provides a comprehensive dashboard, and can also run in the background of other apps. Access the active app by tapping the icon in the notification bar of the phone. Pause the app between legs of a journey to conserve battery and halt the tracked time.

Oodles of Features
Dashboard Assist Pro acts as a speedometer, compass, and odometer with a variety of customizable style options. Track your speed visually or have it spoken to you. This PRO app has live graphing features for tracking your speed in real time. Graph your speed by recent or whole journey timeframes. The Eco light tracks your carbon footprint by analyzing your average speed, acceleration, and cornering. Flick the main screen to the left to see these averages in action, as well as all three eco views. Flick once more to see the double dials of the current time and speed (always use your automobile’s speedometer as the true reading).

Taking Hands-Free to the Next Level
Tap the settings button to confirm the automatic setting options. This application can be set to only answer calls from contacts and to automatically answer calls by putting them on speakerphone (after announcing who is calling first). Opt for the auto-text feature, and after the sending party is identified, the contents of your text can be read to you for a totally hands-free driving experience.

Customize your auto answer options
Dashboard Assist Pro also hosts an in-app music player. Play music or recorded books while you drive. The music shuttle controls appear in a slide-out panel on the main dashboard, easily accessible without journeying out of the application. A sharing option makes this app convenient for recording and sending mileage details and driving statistics while on business trips, or for personal use. The fourth screen contains both of these sharing options and keeps a prepared memo of your travel data for both corporate and performance-based messages.

There is a free version of Dashboard Assist that is ad-supported. It does not support the auto-answer or auto-announce features, nor the speed graphs or chronometer.

Download Link:

Some “Best of the Best” accessories for your Android phone:

Amazon Appstore Free App of the Day – Paper Glider (7/10/11)

Although the ratings weren’t all that great I did give it a try this morning.  It is really just a game where you glide a paper plane past various backgrounds.  It does have some cool power ups and the graphics are nice, but I got bored of it after a few minutes.  Definitely worth a try for the low low cost of FREE – But remember, it is only free today  7/10/11.
From Amazon:

Some “Best of the Best” accessories for your Android phone:

Age of Zombies – FREE Amazon App of the Day 7/8/11

Today’s free app of the day from Amazon is a great one.  Age of Zombies is a zombie shooter where you are thrown back in time to fight zombies.  Not just regular human type zombies, but caveman zombies and dinosaur zombies.  Because contrary to popular belief cavemen and dinosaurs did coexist (completely made up lie).

Here’s the official trailer for the game from our friends at Halfbrick:

To download the app for free (today only 7/8/11)  go here and install Amazon App Store, or follow the QR links below:

Some “Best of the Best” accessories for your Android phone:

Wireless Tethering – “Why Root?” Part 1

As discussed in the article “Root – The "What?” “Why?” “How?” Article", the first mentioned reason why you would want to root your phone is to be able to share the phone’s internet plan with your computer(s).  Computers love internet access. They almost need it anymore, with the increased popularity of apps like Google Docs, and other web based software.  Plus you humans with your addictions to things like Facebook you need the internet access as much as the computers do…

So you have a couple of options.  Pay your carrier an additional fee to use the same internet plan on another device, or take matters into your own hands and unlock the phones capability to do it on it’s own.  This process is called rooting and is discussed briefly in the above mentioned article “Root – The "What?” “Why?” “How?” Article".  Remember the disclaimer portion too, that the process is a software modification that can cause damage to your phone if you don’t know what you are doing.  You can’t blame me if you mess up your phone doing this.

As you can see from the program screenshots, the main program is pretty simple. The far left image shows that the  app loads up to a screen where all you have to do is press on the center icon and it will create and stop a WiFi network right from your phone.  The 2nd and 3rd screens are images of the settings available to the program where you can set up passwords and adjust things like the channel. The final partial screenshot is an example of what the widget looks like, so if you just want to start and stop the network, you just have to click the widget – kinda like turning te built in switches on and off.

A couple of disclaimers:  Speeds will very based on your carrier’s network. I have seen as high as 12MB on 4G, or 2 or 2MN on 3G. Also, this might not be available in the market through your carrier. Carriers have been blocking this app left and right.  Obviously because if you are using this app they aren’t getting their money from you for the “extra” service. Depending on your carrier, you may also get a message asking you to stop.

So check out their website and if you have any questions, post them in the comments.

Download links:

Android Market Link:

Remember: If this doesn’t work try the below link for the Google Code site to download it directly.

Google Code Website Link:

Remember: To install the downloaded .APK file follow the directions at:

In Use Photo:

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